Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Juice Fail

For your viewing pleasure :)

Sunday, May 27, 2012

VLOG7 - Juice Fast Day 7 is Here! Emotional Detox

We seem to have a pattern emerging!  I have had a lot of emotional detox going on lately!  Here is my vlog about how my physical and emotional symptoms are going.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

VLOG6 - Juice Fast Day 5 and the Consequences of Being Unprepared

Day 5 is here already and today I pay the price of not planning ahead!

Friday, May 25, 2012

VLOG5 - Juice Fast Day 4 - Multitasking & Emotional Detox

Yay!  I made it to day 4.  This juice fast is going very well.  I am still feeling great and have so much energy.  I am having some detox symptoms creeping in but I know what to do to keep myself feeling good during the detox, and I am so thankful for that. 

Today is going to be a busy day so I'm keeping the juice close at hand to keep my energy up!

Choose to have a wonderful day and keep smiling!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

VLOG4 - Juice Fast Day 3 - Breaking out the neti-pot

Day 3 of this detox was awesome!  Great juices, great smoothies, good energy levels, mental clarity and emotional stability is what I call a wonderful start to this fast.  But as this is not my first rodeo, I also know that in the next day or 2 it's inevitable that I have some major detox symptoms setting in.  Today I had some minor sinus drainage so I decided to go ahead and start using the neti pot. 

I am enjoying the possibilities of all of the great things that are going to happen during this detox.

Everyone have a wonderful week and remember to keep smiling!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

VLOG3 - Juice Feast Day 2 - It's Not Just About the Juice!

Juicing is a rare opportunity to totally rewrite the way we are interacting with our own lives.   Not only are we stepping aside from one of the main focuses of our lives - EATING - but we are also removing an emotional crutch, or a distraction at a minimum for most of us.
I look at juicing  as this wonderful gift and I try to approach it with wonder and excitement because I have never come out of a juice feast not changed on the other side!  Sometimes the changes are an almost miraculous physical healing, sometimes changes are a revelation about myself that I didn't know or a new way of looking at some aspect of my life.  Sometimes I am able to let go of something that has been an emotional sore point for decades, or I am able to look at and consider forgiveness when this was a subject that was unapproachable prior to my juice feast. 
I love to press in to the hard spots and heal what needs to be healed and move out the negativity and limiting beliefs that are not serving me anymore.
I find that I also get to be a great problem solver in my own life the deeper into my juicing that I go. I am able to look at situations with more clarity and objectivity.  Sometimes the change is in me and sometimes the change is in the situation.  I love that!
So when I juice I try to shake up my routines a bit.  I make connecting with myself a priority, and I make it a priority early on in my detox even though I usually get the most growth a lot further into my fasts.  I journal a whole lot more.  I find that my thoughts and insights might just pass me by if I don't write them down, so I keep a listening ear to what I find on my heart and I journal those.
I also make sure that I have time to myself during the day.  My time is in the morning before the other humans in my life are out of bed.  :) I really put a focus on looking at my life and looking at what is working and what isn't.  I look at why it's not working, not projecting blame or negativity on others, and what I can do to shift or change that.
I love being in the beginning of a juice feast where the growth theme hasn't necessarily presented itself yet and there is so much possibility. 
So if you feel so inclined make the most of your time juicing and make sure you aren't missing this opportunity to create positive and lasting change in your life.  It's not just about what you are putting in your mouth.  If that is what you are focusing on you are going to miss out on the bigger blessing.

Everyone enjoy your juicy day and remember to Keep Smiling!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

VLOG2 - Starting a Juice Cleanse with Steve Crider Juice Club

I am just so glad that a girl can change her mind! 

Just a couple of days ago I posted that I was doing a cleanse and just could not swing doing a full on juice feast but 'lo and behold the time has come.  I came home from the mountains determined to kick my cleanse up a notch and found out the amazing Steve Crider had formed a Juice Club while I was away.  The fun part of this is that they started a juice detox the day I started mine and so I have a whole gaggle of people to juice with now!!  How exciting.

The group is called Juice Club (fight for your life) and is located on Facebook.  It is a wonderful group filled with lively discussion and amazing people. 

This video is my intro to the group and a layout of day 1.

I hope that everyone has chosen to have an absolutely fabulous day and that you remember to keep smiling!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

VLOG1 - Jumpstart and Headed to the Mountains

Hey everyone!  It has been such a hectic week (but in a good way :)  ).   We are getting ready for a little trip to the North Georgia Mountains this weekend and looking forward to some relaxing by the streams, hiking, waterfall viewing and fishing.  We just have such a beautiful state for connecting with nature. 

This is my first vlog on this channel and I will try to post at least one update every week.  This will be the account that I use for my personal updates and I will continue to use my InternaPure blog for clinic updates and other health related stuff.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and remember to enjoy yourself, be kind to others and to keep smiling!