Friday, November 30, 2012

10 Beautiful Reasons To Be Happy

My gratitude list from this morning:
  • I am happy to hear the birds singing.  Even though the sun isn't quite up this morning the birds are expressing their gratitude for life and it reminds me to express gratitude for mine.
  • Clouds.  Clouds in a clear blue sky make me happy.  They are bright and beautiful and make all kinds of shapes for the imagination.  I love it when my kids and I spend time looking at all of the dragons, lions, apples and pirate shapes that the clouds make.  And they remind me of just how big and vast of a creation that this world is.  It really is a beautiful world.
  • Change makes me happy.  I am so thankful that every day is a new day and it is never too late to start doing something different than we did yesterday, or than we have done for our whole lives prior to today as a matter of a fact.
  • Soul friends.  My soul friends make me happy.  There are those people who God has put in my life that just get me.  They just do.  They get me and accept me for all my quirks and eccentricities.  I don't get to talk very often to some of my soul friends but when I do it's like no time has passed at all.  My spirit sees your spirit.  We know each other and we feel blessed because of it and that makes me happy.
  • Age makes me happy.  As I grow older I get happier.  With the experience of life my perspective on time and people and the world expands and I feel so much more relaxed and able to navigate through this journey.  Every year I learn how to live, really live, better.  And so I welcome each new year and I find it refreshing that I have no resistance to aging, only an excitement of what each new day has in store for me. 
  • Faith is such a beautiful thing. I spent most of my life depending only on myself and trying to fill the void in my heart that only God can fill.  Saying that I am deeply grateful for my faith does not even begin to do it justice.  I suppose only the Lord can hear this prayer and praise in my spirit of thanks for lifting me out of the miry clay and setting my feet on solid ground.
  • Fruits make me happy.  I mean, what is not to like about fruit?  They are inherently happy foods.  They open up my joy channel and help my body feel clean and my energy flow so clearly.  Fruits.  They are beautiful and they make me happy today and most every other day, too.
  • Laughter is going to have to make it on my happy list today.  I intend to hear lots of laughter and to laugh lots myself.  Laughter is such a wonderful exchange of high vibrational energy waves.  I mean, when someone really laughs, can't you just feel it?  I love to laugh with people that are laughing and for the fact that laughter makes me happy I just couldn't imagine leaving it off of my list today.
  • My dog makes me happy and she would be totally happy to know that she made it on my happy list.  She is a great example of being present all of the time.  She forgives quickly and is quick to rejoice with anyone that is rejoicing.  She also is quick to sympathize with anyone that needs sympathy.  She is just happy to be her and lives through the storms of life without resistance.  Our lives would definitely have a piece missing from it without her.
  • I am so thankful for music.  It is such a beautiful expression and adds so much depth to my life.  Music can occupy any mood or emotion and I find that so cool and amazing.  So today I feel happy in my heart that I can hear and feel and experience such a wide variety of musical sounds.
My list could go on and on but that was the 10 things on my gratitude list today.  What about you?  What things are you grateful for today?  What makes you happy?


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