I usually use 3 to 4 cloves of fresh garlic. Then I crush or press the garlic and put it into the water. I, personally, let the garlic infuse into the water overnight without heating but it is also perfectly acceptable to simmer the water with the garlic in it on the stove for 15 minutes. Let the water cool and then strain the garlic pieces out of the water. What is left is your infusion water.
Whenever you are doing an implant the goal is to be able to hold the implant for up to 15 minutes.
Keep in mind that the garlic implant is a very intense healing modality and can cause a burning sensation if it is too strong and also can cause a lot of die-off which can have some rather intense side effects in and of itself.
As stated in the video, I am NOT a medical doctor and I am not giving medical advise. This video is for eductional and entertainment purposes only.
I hope this video is a help and a blessing to you as you are on your journey for optimum health.
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