Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Make Your Own Liquid Hand Soap!

For those who are trying to heal their bodies, dealing with allergies or are simply trying to improve their health making your own hand soap can be one more step in supporting the body's pathway to health.

Inevitably, when on a journey of healing your attention will come to how to reduce the influence of toxins and chemicals in your daily life.  You can make choices and changes one step at a time and looking at the hand soaps that you and your family are exposed to is a great place to start.

One way to make liquid handsoap is to make it out of Castile Soap.  This product can be found easily in your local grocery store or Wal-Mart, usually in the health food section or green cleaning products section. 

Most Castile soap products are made out of an olive oil base but some preparations can have a base of coconut, hemp, avocado, almond, walnut or oil.  Castile soap can be used as a body soap, as shampoo or can even be used as a household cleanser.  Castile soap is known for being non-toxic and made of natural ingredients. It is non-allergenic, eco-friendly and gentle on the skin and delicate surfaces.

It is so very quick and simple to make your own liquid handsoap.  All you will need is:
  • Liquid Castile Soap (scented or non-scented)
  • Filtered or Distilled Water
  • Essential Oils for scent or theraputic properties (optional)
  • Used soap dispenser bottle, or you can purchase one for this purpose

In selecting your Castile Soap I definitely recommend that you go with a non-scented version if you are dealing with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, MCS, or food allergies and intolerances.  Any chance to lower the body's exposure to scents and chemicals helps to keep the toxic body burden down. 

Now, here comes the simple part: 
  1. Add a small amount of castile soap to your soap dispenser, approximately 2 to 4 Tablespoons, depending on the size of your container and also your preferred thickness of the soap.  (Admittedly, commercial soaps that we are used to will be much thicker than what you will make at home with this recipe - but this is so much cleaner, healthier and allergy friendly and works just as well).
  2. If you chose to purchase castile soap with no scent you can add drops of your favorite therapeutic grade essential oil here, or just leave your soap unscented.
  3. Fill your container the rest of the way with either filtered or distilled water.  Attach the lid, and shake your new gentle soap to mix your ingredients.

And that, folks, is all there is to it. 

There are many ways to make different qualities of soaps and this is not meant to be an exhaustive course by any means.  Sometimes when your life is revolving around allergies or chemical sensitivities even the simplest changes can feel daunting.  So, with this recipe you can start simple and increase in complexity when you are ready.

I love you all to pieces and hope that this simple recipe is a blessing to you and helps you to realize that it can be very easy to begin replacing some of the common every day products that we use that may be toxic to our health with gentle homemade versions that are so much better for you.

Have a wonderful day!


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