Thursday, December 6, 2012

Do You Hate Vegetables? Tips On Resetting Those Taste Buds!

An issue that stops many people that are eating a Standard American Diet from beginning a new dietary lifestyle is often the fact that they greatly dislike the taste of fruits and vegetables. 

Oftentimes the very fact that there is a strong distaste for vegetables and fruits prevents people from even considering or being open to ways of eating that don't involve processed chemical laden foods. Add to that the fact that sometimes when people who don't like vegetables see others seemingly adding vegetables to their diet easily and reaching a level of "success" and they personally find it impossible and you have a recipe for self-esteem disaster. 

It makes me sad to see anyone stuck where they are and feeling like they are in a state of powerlessness when that is not the case at all.  You have the power to bring new experiences into your life! 

Here are a few tips and some encouragement in dealing with the issue of being repulsed by the tastes and textures in vegetables when you are wanting to gravitate to a more healing and life giving diet.

Some suggestions that I talk about in the video are:

  1. You can fast.  Fasting is probably the quickest way to reset those tasters but is sometimes a bit more extreme for people who are wanting a slower approach to a lifestyle change.  However, to someone who is currently battling an acute or chronic serious health illness fasting is a wonderful way to give the digestive system a break and allow the body to delegate more energy to the healing at hand.  There are many, many different ways to fast and so if this feels harmonious with you I encourage you to look into methods that you can make work for you.

  2. Cut out all added salts and chemicals and eat fresh natural foods.  I totally get the fact that this  can be tricky for those with little will power because you don't like the things that I am telling you to eat!  However, you can just start with a few foods that you do like and make it a point to not take in any chemicals.  In a very short period of time you pallete that stays saturated with salts and chemicals will begin to change and your taste for foods will begin to get real. 

  3. Another fast way to help the taste buds to reset is JUICING.  Start with the fruits and very mild vegetables.  Drink your juice every day and gradually increase the amount of vegetables in your juices.  This will help to tackle your cravings and give your body the nourishment it is asking for while priming those little taste buds for some better for ya foods!

You CAN do this!  I promise that you are so worth the effort.  Give it a chance.  Don't compare your journey to the journey of others.  And just like most things in life this is something that you are going to have to walk out.  I have said it before and I will say it again, there is NO MAGIC PILL!!  I wish there were, but that is just not the way it is. 

Keep on trying and babystepping your way to your goals and don't forget to be kind and give yourself grace along the way.  You are probably doing better than you think!

Blessings to you and don't forget to smile a lot today!


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