This is the question that I am talking about in today's video. This past week there have been a couple of times that either people were asking me if some aspect of juicing is dangerous for the body or where I witnessed someone trying to warn other people of how dangerous juicing is.
I want to set the record straight - don't blame it on the juice! I will freely admit that there are certain circumstances where it is very difficult for the body to handle certain foods, especially when food allergies or intolerances are present. In these types of situations even the juices of certain foods can cause a reaction in the body. That does not, however, mean that juicing is dangerous.
Juicing is one of the most beautiful and gentle methods of cleansing, healing and rebuilding the body that I know. I attribute a large amount of my own personal healing to the drinking in of nature's most perfect medicine.
If you or someone that you know is having or has had issues with juicing that is an indicator that there are underlying issues with the digestive system or elsewhere in the body that need addressing. And juice is one of the best ways to do that!
As I mention in the video, you may just want to work with tweaking what kinds of juices that you take in and put your foods on a type of rotation diet while you work on healing the digestive system.
You do not have to be afraid of juicing. It is one of the best things that you can do for your body and your mind!
Go make yourself some juice today!
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