Thursday, November 29, 2012

How Often Should You Do Enemas?

Enemas are a common way that people who are fasting or trying to heal from physical illness support the body in getting rid of toxins. 

I get asked the question at least once every week of "How often should I do an enema?".  My answer to that is always the same and probably not necessarily helpful "Well, it's different for everybody".   And that is true.  My answer is different from someone trying to heal their body from serious autoimmune issues or from cancer or any other illness that seriously affects their quality of life vs someone who is just doing a juice fast or detox to do a bit of spring cleaning in the colon so to speak. 

In today's video I talk about some of the benchmarks that I use for myself and clients that I am coaching through fasting or detox as well as how Dr. Gerson used enemas in his protocols for his cancer patients. 

If you have questions about enema frequency I hope that this video helps you to decide a frequency that feels right for you and helps you support your own self healing.

Have a wonderful day!


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