Today I sat down with Steve Crider and talked with him about his journey over the past year. Steve went from dealing with obesity and other debilitating ailments to finding a lifestyle of balance and beauty.
Steve has dealt with his depression, anger and emotional instability, sleep apnea, painful joints, chronic dehydration, obesity and high blood pressure all by using fruits and vegetables.
Listen to his inspiring story and realize that where ever you are and whatever your current state you can experience profound shifts in all areas of your life by incorporating fruits and vegetables into your diet and removing all of the processed foods and chemicals.
Remember, you have the ability to bring new experiences into your life.
Here is a review that I was asked to write for one of my very good friends who is having to do a paper for one of her college classes on the documentary Food, Inc. Watching the documentary has changed her life and I highly recommend you take the time to watch it if you haven't already. Below is what I wrote for her to insert into her paper:
"Food Inc is an excellent documentary whose timeless message definitely needs to be spoken to a society who has largely become disconnected not only with themselves but with the world around them. This documentary takes the position of helping people connect the dots and become more conscious about what we are putting into our bodies and into our environment. The food that we consume as Americans has become more of a hazardous industrial product than something that brings nourishment, vibrance and vitality to our bodies.
I see people in my clinic every day who are paying the high price of ignorance ab...
out the foods that they have been putting in their bodies. They pay in diminished mental capacities, compromised emotional states, chronic degenerative body conditions and the feeling of hopelessness and loss of control.
It is very hard to fight our way back from the consequences of consuming dead, denatured, chemical based foods as the main-stay of our diets and due to the amazing job of PR that the fake food industry has done in altering our view of what real food actually is most people have no idea how to even begin.
Awareness and education in a way that people can relate to and apply into their own lives is definitely a step in the right direction and one of the reasons that I have and will continue to recommend that everyone watch Food Inc and other documentaries like it. The message definitely needs to get out there. It saves lives - in more than one way!
Lori Goodwin, HHP, CNHP InternaPure Holistic Health Center"
Our family has a really neat hobby that I'd love to share with you. This past year we took up rock balancing as one of the ways that we sometimes spend our evenings. Rock balancing is an art that has been practiced for many years and is as simple as balancing rocks on their tips or ends or any other interesting nook that you may find on your rock.
Anyone can rock balance. It is fun to get out in nature and is something that the whole family can get in on. Even young kids love to get into the "rock stacking" if they aren't where they can find the balance yet.
Also, we spend so much of our lives disconnected from the world around us and rock balancing is a great way to reconnect. You can feel the solidarity of the rocks and it is a great way to be reminded that the world is more than our computers and cellphones.
For our fun we simply got some rocks from our woods and around our yard and plopped them all down in our front flower bed and started balancing away.
I love the art because of the stillness of mind and body that it requires. It is really hard to balance rocks when your mind is racing or your body is in inner chaos. You literally have to become the balance that you want to see.
Every year we take a week in September and get away from it all. This is our vlog from this year's September get away.
We went to the mountains and stayed in a beautiful chalet in north Georgia. We filled our days with hiking, shopping, eating, laughing, waterfalls, white water rafting, shuffleboard, watching the river, playing outdoors and celebrating our oldest son's 12th birthday. Hope you enjoy!