Sunday, June 10, 2012

Why Is My Body Not Healing?

Today I answer the question asked: Why is my body not healing? It can be really frustrating when we feel that we are doing all of the right things and our bodies are still not healing.

We have to remember:
1. It took sometimes decades of our lives to get to the place we are now. Your health is a culmination of your lifestyle and healthcare choices. It is not going to be able to heal in a day or sometimes even in a month or a year. There is no magic pill - you have to do the work.

2. Make sure that you are looking at the cause and not the symptom. Most health complaints are made towards the symptoms that are presented from some disharmony in the body. Most of the time we don't take the time to sit down and look at what we are trying to achieve. Throwing supplements at a symptom presented in the body doesn't always address the cause.

3. The body has a healing order. Sometimes the body may need to strengthen another body system before addressing the cause of the symptoms you are trying to heal. The natural state of the body is one of health, abundance and harmony. Make no mistake, the body is always trying to achieve that. Your body is on your side and is always working for you.

4. Make sure that you are giving your body the cleanest landscape possible to heal from. Take in only clean, ripe, organic fruits and vegetables. Use tools to deal with any emotional issues that are causing you stress. Forgive yourself and your body for any percieved failings. Get in touch with your inner self and don't live so much in your head and in reaction to the environment around you - doing things that are not in harmony with your body is sometimes part of what got you to where you are. Exercise - get outside in the fresh air! It will do you good. :) And for goodness sakes, don't just run out and take a ton of supplements just because the bottle says it's good or someone on TV said it was good. It might be good for them but maybe not for you. In health, sometimes less really is more!

I love you all and hope that you cultivate a more loving space for your own heart to reside in.

Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor. I do not even play one on TV. Please seek out licensed medical advice if you are having health concerns.


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