Video Response Part 1
Video Response Part 2
The prompting of me making this video and write
up is actually in response to a video that was put out by a wonderful YouTuber
this morning. I knew something was up
when I got tagged in feeds on 3 different groups that I am a member of, got several
private messages in my FaceBook email box, 1 phone call and a text message all
asking my opinion on what was said in the video. Lol
I want to come right out and say that there are very few debates or online drama vortexes that I will ever allow myself to participate in or get sucked into. The ONLY reason that I even take the time to speak into this particular one is because some of the people that I know personally still have a hard time with discernment when there are two opposing views on a subject and begin to question or feel bad about their choices or healing path.
Whether one chooses to be for against colonics and enemas does not affect me personally. I totally respect and honor that not everyone will find things that I think are wonderfully healthy and regenerative to the body to be agreeable to them. And I am totally okay with that and do not feel it is my calling in life to try to set all the wrongs right or to convince people of my perspectives or to insinuate that my way is the only correct way. There are other people that can totally own and run the energy of debate, inflammatory statements and sowing disharmony among others and so I will leave the debating up to them.
The subject of "to enema or not to enema" is not a new one! lol The video that was posted this morning and referred to above is not the
first, only or last video that is out there proclaiming that colonics and
enemas are dangerous. There are always
teachings and beliefs that are on different ends of the spectrum. I believe that it has always been this way,
but also as a sign of the times that we are now living in the polarities in
everything are more evident and everyone's bodies both physically and
energetically are responding to different things in different ways.
I am not an
M.D. There are many pioneers in the
colon cleansing "industry",
Norman Walker and Dr. Max Gerson to name 2. There are also other doctors who were
pioneers in their own field who all spoke about colonics being a wonderful and necessary support
to healing the body, 2 of these doctors
would be Dr. John H. Tilden and Dr. Bernard Jensen. All of these doctors plus many, many more
have already written exhaustive papers, books, studies and spoke of their own
recommendations and protocols. I am not
going to try and replicate the amazing work that they have have already done,
as you can easily google this information and find a treasure trove worth of
health and wellness advice.
I am a colon
hydrotherapist and run a holistic wellness center that does colon
hydrotherapy. The reason that I do have
colon hydrotherapy in my practice is because enemas and colonics were
cornerstone to my own personal healing journey.
I was very, very sick and I needed support to help my body to heal. Foods and nutrition alone just did not do it
all for me. I was sick to the point of
basically reacting to everything that I was putting in my body. So while my story is different than most
people who are simply trying to find a way to better health and more vibrancy I
believe that enemas and colonics absolutely helped to save my life. No one could ever convince me
differently. It is my experiential
knowledge and my lived out life journey and truth.
This video and blog
post is absolutely not meant to be exhaustive or even extensive of the points
that I am choosing to address. It is
simply some of my quick thoughts about some of the general misinformation that
is out there and some of the comments that were specifically made in the video
I referred to above about colonics being dangerous. Here is my response to some of the points
made in the YouTube video posted this morning:
Point 1:
People do come from different
places of what they consider to be healthy. That is true.
people are still in a place where they think drinking gallons of milk and
eating animal products is healthy.
People actually believe that things that are nothing but a package of chemicals and brain altering substances that can be picked up off of a shelf in any local grocery store is healthy just because the box says so. They will swear by it, and I happen to disagree.
I think that they are wrong and can site studies and personal experiences as to why I believe what I believe. The nay-sayers think that I am wrong and can site studies and personal experiences as to why their stance is correct and mine is incorrect.
It doesn't have to be the end of the world or mean that either of us with differing perspectives are bad people. :) We are just coming from different perspectives of what works and what doesn't in relation to the body's natural state of regeneration, vibrancy and health.
Point 2:
Addressing a comment made
that colonics only treat a symptom and not a cause - namely in the case of
always, always has more to do with what you are putting in your mouth than the
function of your actual colon. I
immediately give my clients recommendations to go on a high fruit and vegetable
diet, and to cut out the meat, dairy and gluten and to start exercising and
moving their body.
It is true that colonics and enemas can surely help to address and relieve the acute issues around constipation but I believe that it should not be used as the only method to combat such a condition. I can not speak for other colon hydrotherapists, but I can say that in our facility we have not lost sight of the fact that health is a multi-faceted approach that encompasses the physical body, mental body, the spiritual body and the energetic body.
Point 3:
"Colonics and Enemas
will make your colon loose it's peristaltic action. You may never be able to poop on your
own again!" Lol. False
I would like to note here that there is a HUGE difference between doing water enemas and the enemas that you purchase from the drug store containing chemicals. Drug store enemas are not natural, no matter what the box says. These types of enemas are damaging to the colon. They leave an acid residue inside the colon and can definitely make the body dependent on the stimulation of the colon by these chemicals for the peristalisis to work properly. I do not ever recommend that you take laxatives or do enemas that are not pure water or other natural implant enemas.
Your peristalsis can also be greatly affected by the foods that you take in and the build up of impaction around the lining of the colon. This makes the relaxation and contraction of the colon ineffective and your colon has a hard time moving foods from one digestive station to another.
Another factor that can also affect the peristalsis of the colon can be the body's ability to properly break down the food that is in the stomach. If the body's ability to produce enough hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes is compromised then the body is going to have a really tough time not only assimilating the foods that you are eating but also moving them through the colon.
Another point of note here is that enemas and colonics are a GREAT way to get a really good indication of exactly how fast the digestion system is actually working. Sometimes your digestive system isn't as quick or efficient as you might think that it is. When you clean out the decending and transverse colon during a colon hydrotherapy session it can take the body some time to then move fecal matter down into that area that is usually full of fecal matter ready to be released. This should be within the next meal or two. There are cases, however, of people that have the experience of not having a bowel movement for the next day or two after a colonic. But you cannot necessarily blame that on the colonic. Your colon transit time was set long before you ever got on that colon hydrotherapy bed! :)
Again, in that case my client and I would be having us a little chat about diet and digestion to get that digestion system working full steam ahead.
Point 4:
Scare tactics. "Be very, very afraid of colonics and enemas because "fill in the blank":
tactics are such a poor way of trying to get your point across to people. It's such a sad way to exchange information
and energy, in my opinion.
That kind of scare tactic goes along the same lines as saying
"Don't eat too much fruit, it will cause you to get fat" or
"Don't eat too many bananas, your potassium levels will get too high and you will get sick" or
"Don't drink fresh juice, your triglycerides will go through the roof".
Someone, somewhere may have had any one of those 3 experiences BUT I can tell you 100% that:
you cannot blame weight gain on the fruit,
you cannot blame potassium levels on the bananas and
you cannot blame the triglycerides on the fresh juices!
There had to already be issues in the physical body that were present and manifesting before the experience of introducing any of those things into the body. The result of the collide would be symptoms that for sure were undesirable but oftentimes, especially in the cases mentioned above the catalyst can absolutely prove to be the healer.
It is the same with enemas. Enemas in and of themselves are very gentle and are very helpful in helping the body to cleanse. However, symptoms can at times arise from the practice. These usually indicate a poor digestive system that is not able to fully break down the food that it is taking in, or high acidity in the body, or a presence of heavy medications, a presence of older fecal matter that has presented as impaction around the lining of the colon or pockets of fecal matter that have accumulated through years of misuse of the body as a trash can taking in food indiscriminately along the way, or a myriad of other possibilities that I won't take the time to go further into here.
So, express your concern with enemas and colonics = fine. But scaring people = bad form :)
"People use colonics and enemas as a crutch". I disagree.
Stating that all people use colonics and enemas as a crutch is a pretty broad statement and in my experience most people that use them are finding immense relief, not from constipation but from a lowered body toxicity level and the body's having a little help in the realm of being able to eliminate cellular (and solid) waste faster than the body can manage it by just having regular bowel movements.
Point 6:
"Colonics and enemas
damage the body's gut flora".
The glands in the colon produce the intestinal flora needed to lubricate the colon. Many people, including some professionals, think that enemas and colon irrigations wash out the intestinal flora, also known as benefical bacteria, and deprive the colon of benefical lubrication that it needs to function properly. When the colon becomes sluggish or is layered with impaction that covers the lining of the colon the glands cannot properly produce the lubricant that the colon needs to function normally. Anytime that there is a lack of this necessary lubrication there is an increase in the body's overally toxicity levels and usually an increase in the experience of constipation.
(The goal, though, is to eat a diet high in fruits so that the colon functions beautifully every day and doesn't experience sluggishness or impaction)
Dr. Bernard Jensen did some wonderful research and placed the ratios in a healthy colon of friendly bacteria at 85% leaving a level of 15% of unfriendly bacteria. But when tests were and are sent off to labs during research the findings more often produce ratios that are inverted - being 85% of UNFRIENDLY bacteria and levels of only 15% of friendly bacteria.
What is really cool is that now that research money is starting to be poured into looking deeper into holistic and alternative methods of healing, they are finding that what destroys whole colonies of friendly bacteria is not enemas and colonics as our original video poster would have you to believe, or even nutrition like I could totally jump on the bandwagon saying, but actually…..STRESS!
That's right folks, you don't have to be afraid of enemas or colonics, you should be afraid of your own inner turmoil and disconnect with harmony in your own life.
STRESS. It can damage the body's friendly bacteria.
Point 7:
"All colonic promotors have abused colonics/enemas and probably done serious damage to their body".
Seriously? I really loathe to get into a space to answer this but I find it so funny that I can't help but play in this space.
[A note to the original video poster: I love watching inflamatory statements flying out to try and get people engaged and to get those clicks and views. It's amazing and as a business woman myself I can totally respect that strategy, although I would caution against actually internalizing that combative type energy, even if you are just doing it over the internet right now, because if you are not careful you will find this type of disharmony with people becoming the norm in your life. And I see you as an amazingly beautiful and creative person with so much to offer but that type of energy offering is very unbecoming of you.]
Actually, as I have said in earlier paragraphs I do not condone using colonics or enemas as a crutch or as a way to cover over symptoms that the body is trying to get your attention with. Personally I find colonics to be a wonderful addition to my overall health and wellness practices. It is not the only thing that I do but is something that has really helped me to heal and has allowed my body to move ahead years faster than it could do with just using raw foods (lfrv) alone.
Again, I cannot speak for other colon hydrotherapists but I can assure you that my colon is in beautiful shape! :) It is not damaged or dysfunctional in any way, but thank you for your concern. Lol
Point 8:
Addressing the comment "The only reason you feel good after a colonic is because your adrenals are working overtime". Not True.
That just isn't how it works at all.
Our adrenals are so important to our overall body operation. They are the true "workhorses" of the body and there are very few functions that happen in the body without your adrenals playing a key role. And yet, most of us today are walking around with chronically deficient adrenals.
Colonics do NOT stimulate any fight or flight response in the body or cause the body to have to DO anything. Actually, the lowering of the cellular waste and solid waste in the colon brings the overall toxicity level in the body down and helps the adrenals to be less stressed. Instead of an increased burden on the adrenals people can experience greater efficiency with their adrenals and consequently many functions in the body work much better creating an overall better feeling and sense of wellbeing.
People feel good after a colon hydrotherapy session because the sewage system of the body has been wonderfully cleansed and the colon has gotten very hydrated.
There are so many other areas that I could go into here about the positive side to colonics and enemas. We could and probably will do whole videos just on subjects like the colon being an absorptive organ, on auto-intoxication, on Hepatic Portal Circulation and on the portal venous system. There is so much more to it than the mocking and childish turning up your nose at the thought of a gentle cleanse of our colons. Our body is so complex and is so wonderful and efficient at healing itself.
I definitely want to make sure that I also acknowledge and express my respect for every single person who has ever sent a warning, made a video, blog post or article either for or against any natural health modality. We all have something amazing to offer this world. We all have infinite worth and I for one am grateful for the opportunity to have the glimpse into the mind and beliefs of the person who made the original video.
I know that just as I am coming from a place of love right now as I type out my response, as they made the original video against colonics and enemas they were also coming from a place of love and expressing a message that they felt passionate about.
It's not always black and white. Everyone is different and our bodies are unique in not only what they respond to but the speed at which they respond and the things that are beneficial to maintain a state of health and vibrancy. I, for one, definitely think twice before issuing statements that throw out "facts" that certainly are subject to interpretation and then applying my "facts" broadly over the entire population..
Colonics and enemas are safe and gentle. They are an amazing way to detox the body and support the elimination of cellular and solid waste. They do not push matter further up into the colon, they do not stress our adrenals or cause us to loose peristalsis and therefore never be able to poop again.
In a perfect world our bodies would not need any support and would function at top capacity all the time. Everyone would be hydrated, be full of fruit, love, life and laughter. But we do not live in a perfect world. Not with the air we breathe, the food we eat or the emotions that we process. Enemas and colonics are certainly a gentle and natural way to support our body's healing efforts and you don't have to be afraid.
Learn to listen to your body. Learn to feel what is in alignment with you and what isn't. Don't do or not do anything for your health just because someone says so. Think for yourself and practice that connection with your own inner guidance.
I love you all and hope that this information was a blessing to you in some way. Have a wonderful day and remember to keep smiling!
